Tool, welches XML Datei in CSV Datei umwandelt


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Kennt jemand ein Tool, welches Produktdaten, die als XML-Datei vorliegen, in eine CSV-Datei umwandelt?
QUOTE (Ivo Gasser @ Mo 2.5.2005, 17:50)Kennt jemand ein Tool, welches Produktdaten, die als XML-Datei vorliegen, in eine CSV-Datei umwandelt?


hier kannst das verwenden.

CODE <?php
class MagpieRSS {
var $parser;
var $current_item = array();
var $items = array();
var $channel = array();
var $parent_field = array('RDF');
var $current_field = '';
var $current_namespace = false;
function MagpieRSS ($source) {
$this->parser = xml_parser_create( );
xml_set_object( $this->parser, &$this );
xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'start_element', 'end_element');
xml_set_character_data_handler( $this->parser, 'cdata' );
xml_parse( $this->parser, $source );
xml_parser_free( $this->parser );
function start_element ($p, $element, &$attrs) {
$element = strtolower( $element );
$namespace = false;
if ( strpos( $element, ':' ) ) {
list($namespace, $element) = split( ':', $element, 2);
$this->current_field = $element;
if ( $namespace and $namespace != 'rdf' ) {
$this->current_namespace = $namespace;
if ( $element == 'channel' ) {
array_unshift( $this->parent_field, 'channel' );
elseif ( $element == 'items' ) {
array_unshift( $this->parent_field, 'items' );
elseif ( $element == 'item' ) {
array_unshift( $this->parent_field, 'item' );
function end_element ($p, $element) {
$element = strtolower($element);

if ( $element == 'item' ) {
$this->items[] = $this->current_item;
$this->current_item = array();
array_shift( $this->parent_field );
elseif ( $element == 'channel' or $element == 'items' ) {
array_shift( $this->parent_field );

$this->current_field = '';
$this->current_namespace = false;
function cdata ($p, $text) {
if ( $this->parent_field[0] == $this->current_field or
! $this->current_field ) {
elseif ( $this->parent_field[0] == 'channel') {
if ( $this->current_namespace ) {
$this->channel[ $this->current_namespace ][ $this->current_field ] .= $text;
else {
$this->channel[ $this->current_field ] .= $text;

elseif ( $this->parent_field[0] == 'item' ) {
if ( $this->current_namespace ) {
$this->current_item[ $this->current_namespace ][ $this->current_field ] .= $text;
else {
$this->current_item[ $this->current_field ] .= $text;
function show_list () {
echo "<ol>\n";
foreach ($this->items as $item) {
echo "<li>", $this->show_item( $item );
echo "</ol>";

function show_channel () {
echo "channel:<br>";
echo "<ul>";
while ( list($key, $value) = each( $this->channel ) ) {
echo "<li> $key: $value";
echo "</ul>";
function show_item ($item) {
echo "item: $item[title]";
echo "<ul>";
while ( list($key, $value) = each($item) ) {
if ( is_array($value) ) {
echo "<br><b>$key</b>";
echo "<ul>";
while ( list( $ns_key, $ns_value) = each( $value ) ) {
echo "<li>$ns_key: $ns_value";
echo "</ul>";
else {
echo "<li> $key: $value";
echo "</ul>";
} # end class RSS
class RSSCache {
var $BASE_CACHE = './cache';
function RSSCache ($base) {
if ( $base ) {
$this->BASE_CACHE = $base;
if ( ! file_exists( $this->BASE_CACHE ) ) {
mkdir( $this->BASE_CACHE, 0755 );
function set ($url, $rss) {
$cache_file = $this->file_name( $url );
$fp = @fopen( $cache_file, 'w' );
if ( ! $fp ) {
array(0, "Unable to open cache file for writing: $cache_file");
$data = $this->serialize( $rss );
fwrite( $fp, $data );
fclose( $fp );
return array(1, $cache_file);
function get ($url) {
$cache_file = $this->file_name( $url );
if ( ! file_exists( $cache_file ) ) {
return array(0, '', "Cache file does not exists: $cache_file");
$fp = @fopen($cache_file, 'r');
if ( ! $fp ) {
return array(0, '',
"Failed to open cache file for reading: $cache_file");
$data = fread( $fp, filesize($cache_file) );
$rss = $this->unserialize( $data );
return array(1, $rss, 'cache.success');
function check_cache ( $url ) {
$filename = $this->file_name( $url );
if ( file_exists( $filename ) ) {
$mtime = filemtime( $filename );
return array(1, $filename, $mtime);
return array(0);
function serialize ( $rss ) {
return serialize( $rss );
function unserialize ( $data ) {
return unserialize( $data );
function file_name ($url) {
$filename = md5( $url );
return join( '/', array( $this->BASE_CACHE, $filename ) );
$CACHE_BASE = './cache';
$CACHE_AGE = 60*60; // one hour
function fetch_rss ($url, $options=array() ) {
if ( $options[''] ) {
list($remote_status, $rss, $msg) = fetch_remote_rss( $url );
if ( $remote_status and $rss ) {
return array($rss, 1, 'success.remote');
else {
return array($msg, 0, 'fail.no_cache');
else {
$base = ( $options['cache.base'] ) ? $options['cache.base'] :
$cache_age = ( $options['cache.age'] ) ? $options['cache.age'] :
$cache = new RSSCache( $base );
list( $cache_status, $filename, $mtime) =
$cache->check_cache( $url );
$age = time() - $mtime;
if ( $cache_status and $cache_age > $age ) {
list($status, $rss, $msg) = $cache->get( $url );
if ( $status and $rss ) {
return array($rss, 1, 'success.cache');
list($remote_status, $rss, $remote_msg) = fetch_remote_rss( $url );
if ( $remote_status and $rss ) {
$cache->set( $url, $rss );
return array($rss, 1, 'success.remote');
if ( $cache_status ) {
$rss = $cache->get( $url );
if ( $rss ) {
return array($rss, 1, 'success.cache.stale' );
return array($remote_msg, 0, 'fail');
function fetch_remote_rss ($url) {
list($status, $data) = fetch_remote_file( $url );
if ( $status ) {
$rss = new MagpieRSS( $data );
if ( $rss ) {
return array(1, $rss, 'success');
else {
return array(0, '', "Failed to parse RSS file: $url");
else {
return array(0, '', $data);
function fetch_remote_file ($url) {
$fp = @fopen($url, 'r');

if ( ! $fp ) {
return array(0, "Unable to open remote file: $url");
while ( ! feof($fp) ) {
$data .= fread( $fp, 1024 );
return array(1, $data);
$url = $_GET['url'];
if ( ! $url ) {
// $url einfach anpassen
$url = '';
list( $rss, $status, $msg) = fetch_rss( $url );
function slashbox ($rss) {
// $trenner einfach anpssen
$title = $rss->channel['title'];
$link = $rss->channel['link'];
echo 'link'.$trenner.'title'.$trenner.'description'.$trenner;
$description = $rss->channel['description'];
foreach ($rss->items as $item ) {
echo $item["link"].$trenner;
echo $item["title"].$trenner;
echo $item["description"].$trenner;
slashbox ($rss); ?>

mfg. Nico