Nichts ist unmoeglich


Legendäres Mitglied
Zur Zeit tagt der Golfkooperationsrat (GCC) in Abu Dhabi. Es wurden dabei keine Muehen gescheut einen perfekten Eindruck zu hinterlassen. Und wenn das Gras nicht so richtig gruen ist, weiss man sich auch zu helfen.... ueberzeugt Euch selbst.

Gruss aus Dubai.
unglaublich ...
mein rasen ist zur zeit weiss, funktioniert das da auch?
Oups, und dabei sind wir doch schon dran, ein Ayom Fundraising Programm für den Ayom Think Tank 2006 in Dubai zu patzieren.

Official Request:

Dear Mr. Ivo Gasser,

The Ayom Community (short AC, not DC), a well known non-governmental organization in Central Europe, plans to invite its Inner Circle Members (ICM) to a conference in Dubai in 2006. Ayom is the leading Internet Marketing Forum in Central Europe and might be able to provide knowledge, training and substantial promotion to your government's websites. Any kind of sponsoring is possible and welcome. We think of CAMEL rides, DUNES experiences, MATRIX inversions, FLIGHTS for free and if possible HAREM accomodation.

We would be pleased, Dear Mr. Ivo Gasser, if you could forward this short message to your estimated government and kindly ask for a warm welcome of our organization's annual meeting.

A draft of the program will follow as soon as possible, but not later than January 15th. Meanwhile we shall try to keep our noses above the champagne-cups and not to loose our bread in the fondue.

Yours respectfully

Boubou 7
Fundraising Advisor AC
