Das A und O von Ayom

René Weber

Legendäres Mitglied
Ich war heute Nachmittag schnell im Supermarkt um die Ecke.
Was sieht mein deformiertes Auge: AYAM

Ayam ist eine Marke für Asian Food. Es ist immer wieder erstaunlich,
was ein A oder ein O bewirken können. (www.ayam.com)

Cheers from ZA. René

PS: Remo, wo bleibt dìe Kokosnuss?
Hehe, witzig!

QUOTE The origin of the Ayam trademark goes back to the year 1892. A young Frenchman, Alfred Clouet, left his country for adventure and a change of life in French Indochina. On his way to what would later be known as Vietnam, his ship called at Singapore for bunkering. The port possessed all the ingredients to seduce an enterprising young man who, forgetting about his original plan, established his company to trade in imported goods from Europe.

Having already sensed the merit of a trademark, Alfred Clouet selected the rooster, not only because of his own Gallic origin, where this proud animal is the symbol of France, but also because of its favorable image in Asian countries, where in the widely used Malay language, it is called "Ayam".


Jetzt wissen wir, wovon wir uns beim nächsten Ayom-Treffen ernähren werden :).